A solo album by the soloist of Djabe and Dresh Quartet.
There is a picture in front of me, when Öcsi sits facing me and says: “I see everything now as if I were in the ground up to the eye level on the great plain, watching the world from there for an infinitely long time.”
This happened quite a few years ago, already in the “Self-sacrificing Makúz-times”, and now here is this album. Cloudy and precise, relaxed and visible. Visible music is rare. This is why I am happy about it.
It displays every merit of Feri’s performance and his make-up as a musician.
Clear intonation, elaborated rendition, almost precise rhythm and self-confidence based on good external and internal hearing.
Magony is comprised of beautiful, spacious pieces of music. Nothing else could be dedicated to a a loving and beloved, good mother. The sky and the earth, the past and the present abut upon each other in them.”
One needs to be rapt in listening to the music of Kovács Ferenc, and this is good. One should listen to it several times. The best thing about Kovács – who, amongst others, gained experience for life from today’s greatest cimbalom (dulcimer) artist Balogh Kálmán – is his respect for traditions, with which he treats his forefathers’ heritage. I have not heard such unswerving devotion in today’s music to Bartók Béla’s approach to folk music for a long time. We are talking here about violin music inspired by Hungarian folk music, which is flanked here and there by the accompaniment of percussion instruments and, more than once, by the percussive application of the violin (the clip clop of deers’ hooves). The folk song, however, has become only an indirect source by now. The way Kovács handles his instrument has evolved accordingly: his rustic and folksy vitality and harshness, his manner of bowing are often tinged with moving, pedantically intonated serenades; his rhythms are also precisely measured, which is less cahracteristic of folk musicians. Kovács played the different parts, which twine together here and there like creepers, by applying the multi-track recording technique. Gramy Records, assuming a more and more distinctive role on the domestic market – besides releasing products that score a sure business success -, place more and more emphasis on works that are thought-provoking from a musical aspect.

1. Boldog galamb
2. Parasztbarokk
3. A szarvas üldözése
4. Szarvasok az erdei fényben
5. Játszó
6. Pásztoros
7. Miskadal
Kovács Ferenc – violins, vocal
Németh Ferenc – vocal