Horgas Eszter Arcai III.
Spanish Night

The third part of a four part set. A real Crossover record in the Spanish music seal. The on line recording of Class Jazz Band was completed at the Music Academy. The star guest of the recording is one of the biggest characters of all times, the Hungarian saxophone player, Dresch Mihály.


SKU: GR-034 Category:


Duende. Once the excellent Spanish poet and play writer Federico Garcia Lorenza wrote a study about this concept. It is about some of the basic elements of Spanish art; temperament, fire and overwhelmed emotional state, which is duende. Duende is always on one occasion and it is unrepeatable.
In the third part of the set, called Horgas Eszter’s faces, besides a composition based on a Lorca poem, a Bizet and de Falla updated hit piece can also be heard. In the first quarter of 2002, the recording was completed at two Music Academy concerts, which gives a characteristic and incomparable atmosphere. As the genius Spanish authors’ virtuosity is combined in harmony with the no less praised Hungarian musician’s unique voice of Vukán György. The excellent piano composer orchestrates the pieces of music, including two of his own works the first and the second part of the Spanish Rhapsody resound. Finally a version of a Keith Jassett piece closes the great record.
The performing band is the Class Jazz once again, as in the first part of the set. Formed by Vukán and Horgas Eszter. Great guest soloists, on this occasion also, contribute to the bands performance, such as Dresch Mihály on saxophone, Fekete-Kovács Kornél on trumpet and Juhász Gábor who is simply an irreplaceable guitar player in Spanish music.
And of course the fans can again admire Horgas Eszter’s soaringly wonderful intonated flute sound. Last year the artist was very modestly avoiding the title of a jazz performer in her interview given to Gramofon, the music magazine. Although on listening to the flute solo from the new CD there can be no doubt her extraordinary interest and long-lasting, determined love for music has brought forth its fruit, and the classical performer is an equal member among jazz players now. We are not talking just about an enchanting flute player, for the musical face of Hogas Eszter is becoming increasingly more beautiful, as well.

H. Magyar Kornél

Horgas Eszter – flute, alto flute
Vukán György – piano
Berkes Balázs – double bass
Balázs Elemér – drums
Winand Gábor – vocal
Juhász Gábor – guitar
Fekete Kovács Kornél – trumpet
Dresch Mihály – saxophone

Additional information

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 15,5 × 13,5 × 1,5 cm


Number of discs


Release date




Spanish Rhapsody I.
1. Sunrise
2. Habanera
3. Romance
4. Canzone

El Amor Brujo
5. A Media Noché
6. Danza Ritual Del Fuego

Carmen Fantasy
7. Habanera

8. Lola

Spanish Rhapsody II.
9. Dance
10. Sunset

Encore 84 I.
11. Encore 84 I.

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